Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Starting Another Blog

So I'm starting another blog. Yes, another blog. Lately I've had trouble writing on my Of Service blog, and I've somehow experienced writers block in writing for Examiner.com, which I get paid to do. Tonight, I need a place to release some of what I was feeling, and my hard copy journal wasn't working. I needed to hear back from people - or to feel like someone else just may read it, so I decided to start this blog - so I could do just that.

Today, as all of my days have been for the last few months, was power packed. I was on task and busy with work, took care of a few things for the Scentsy business and made my next hair appointment to get my first ever full weave. (Which is all apart of my journey to not straighten - flat iron- my hair for a year). I'll be the first to admit that I don't know a thing about buying fake hair. The only other time I've had a weave was for my wedding, and my stylist had to call the hair store and tell them what he wanted me to get. So, I went to one of the few hair stores in Albuquerque with a picture in tow of the brand, type and color I wanted. The owner's automatic response was that he didn't have that hair. Instead, he ended up selling me a much more expensive hair - and $233 later - all I can think was dag...I was bamboozled.

On top of that, we woke up Sunday and my munchkin's eye was closed shut. I was so worried he had pink eye. After packing him up and heading to After Hour Pediatrics (which is a fantastic place) and finding out they didn't open until 2, we went back home, munchkin napped, and we headed back to the doctor's office at 2 only to find out we needed an appointment. So at 4:50 we returned to the office and the service was great. Thankfully, pink eye wasn't the issue, but munchkin did have an ear infection. So, of course, I called his father to tell him what was going on.

I had a many break-down tonight because I couldn't believe his father hadn't called to check on him. This all plays into my fears that fatherhood for him is becoming out of sight and out of mind. I've also been worrying and praying lately (yes I know the two don't go together) because I feel in my heart that munchkin is starting to notice other kids have mommies and daddies around....and that well hurts my heart.

So, these are the things I needed to write about tonight. There's much more in my actual "private" journal, but sometimes you just need to release in a very public manner.

I'm resting on Marvin Sapp's new song: He Has His Hands On You

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